Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

Well not you, but me.

I’ve been told, many a times, that I am not the most personal blogger out there. I don’t insta-story my life from the minute I wake up to the minute I fall asleep. And I definitely don’t share a lot about who I am beyond what I post on my website or my Instagram.

But last night, I thought why not share a little bit about who I am.

  1. The Office is my favorite TV show. I don’t go a day without watching at least one (four) episodes, and Michael Scott’s vocabulary has infiltrated mine.

  2. I have two sisters and a brother.

  3. I was diagnosed with depression, specially dysthymia, when I was 19.

  4. I’ve lived in Paris, Los Angeles and New York City.

  5. I’ve been learning French since I was 5 years old, and have the worst accent possible.

  6. I have a bunny named Pumpkin and he is the love of my life. Although he finds my love extremely annoying.

  7. I was born and raised in Bergen County, New Jersey.

  8. My favorite curse word is motherfucker, but I probably say fuck more.

  9. I love making homemade bread.

  10. I am lactose intolerant but I will never stop eating parmesan cheese.

  11. I am 50% West Indian.

  12. I’ve been in the audience of The Ellen Show four times, including 12 Days of Giveaways. #bless

  13. New Orleans is one of my favorite cities in the entire world.

  14. And I am very much an introvert.

I Graduated College, Now What?

I Graduated College, Now What?